A sales bubble is mainly used by real estate developers. However, it could also be useful for other companies regardless of their sector of activity. Composed of a single-block container or a module of several bungalows, at 1001 Containers you can access a very wide choice. Custom sales bubble layout Personalized sales space To attract the maximum number of prospects, the space dedicated to sales should be fully personalized. For this, you can, for example, opt for a fully glazed single-block modular structure. Very stylish, this type of construction could also allow passers-by to see the entire interior of your sales bubble in order to highlight your activity. Reception area or showroom For those who offer specific services and products, they can also order modular containers that could serve as a showroom.
We can offer the vertical and horizontal Meat Drum Machine we produce with the following features:
Hourly product processing capacity from 300 to 1,000 kg
Spoon Stirring
Moving product mixing and product discharge
With these features, our machines provide the product,
Marinating / Marinating
It tenderizes the meat.
mixing it up
It's like resting for 36 hours
It speeds up the production process
Bottled/Ready to cook
It allows transportation without breaking the cold chain.
Our product vacuum drum is designed to massage and soften products such as ham, shoulder, ribeye, sirloin etc. under vacuum. With its cylindrical body and herringbone internal structure, it ensures that the product is homogenized evenly. With its wide adjustment range automation system according to demand, it ensures increased finished product and the best binding of proteins to meat.
AmoneyPay soddisfa un’esigenza base di ogni negoziante: poter scegliere la banca d’appoggio più vantaggiosa per i propri incassi. E poterla anche cambiare, in qualsiasi momento, con semplicità.
Ecco AMoneyPay per i negozi, i ristoranti o i supermercati:
Libera la scelta dell’istituto bancario da qualsiasi vincolo di infrastruttura hardware
Monitora i flussi di pagamento tramite il nostro portale web dedicato (AMoneyPortal)
Archivia digitalmente lo scontrino e la firma del tuo cliente (niente più scontrini da conservare)
Visualizza in tempo reale tutti gli scontrini emessi, anche quelli legati ai buoni pasto
Permette di attivare più profili bancari a cui instradare i pagamenti in base all’importo, la fascia oraria o il giorno della settimana
Garantisce continuità operativa, grazie a una replica remota di tutto il sistema, sempre pronta per essere attivata
Le liège expansé est un matériau d'isolation acoustique et thermique 100% naturel, fabriqué à partir de liège foncé aggloméré. Ce produit est idéal pour ceux qui recherchent une solution écologique et durable pour leurs projets d'isolation.
Disponible sous forme de panneaux ou de granulés, le liège expansé offre une excellente performance isolante tout en étant respectueux de l'environnement. Il est facile à manipuler et à installer, ce qui en fait un choix populaire pour les projets de construction et de rénovation.